Friday, June 27, 2014

Skin Rejuvenation and Hair relaxation

Skin Rejuvenation and Hair
     Build collagen fibers which prevent the appearance of fine lines wrinkles
     Minimizes the appearance of fine lines wrinkles
     Increasing moisture, softness and smoothness of the skin.
     Delay skin aging process
     Encourage the regeneration of skin cells, making the skin look younger
     Helps build collagen which improves skin condition
     Helps repair rough and dry skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis.
     Protect your skin from environmental damage
     Helps improve scalp circulation (which helps in preventing hair loss)
      Help improve split ends in the hair

One for All

It is hard to accept the fact that Moringa oil is All in One Natural Skincare. All forms of cosmetic and skin care in one product.

Moringa oil very gently exfoliates dead skin and clean the entire surface of the skin, normalize moisture, suppleness, elasticity and tone of skin color, as well as maintain it stays that way. Use of routine and continuous effect on the skin young and glowing skin. With the content and capabilities of healthy skin effect, the young and radiant, Moringa oil simultaneously serves as a cleanser, moisturizer, protector, replacement of synthetic chemical lotions and creams. In addition, of course, very beauty budget savings while avoiding your skin from pollution, and exposure to residues of synthetic chemicals.

Japanese and Korean women, known for their skin beautiful and healthy, is one of the biggest consumers of oil Moringa. They used to use Moringa oil help promote beautiful and healthy skin.

Many facial and skin care products today are based Moringa oil as an excellent base material. These products can help get rid of dark spots, pimples, blackheads and other skin blemishes. This causes the skin clean and bright in the long run. However, these products also include synthetic chemicals in it. One is the use of preservatives and synthetic fragrances. The use of Moringa oil would be much more beneficial for the skin when used directly, without having to go through the process of becoming an ingredient in cosmetics such as cream or lotion.

With oleic acid content outstanding more than 70%, Moringa oil penetrates deep below the top layer which allows to provide essential nutrients to the skin and keep it young. Moringa oil is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, minerals, fatty acids,
MASTERPOKER88.COM JUDI POKER ONLINE UANG ASLI INDONESIA RESMI DAN TERPERCAYAoleic acid (Omega 9) and behenic acid, which allows it to be easily absorbed into the skin without feeling greasy and ensure skin receives the nutrients it needs to repair and sustain itself.

Good for Oily Skin

Often times we assume the use of oils on the skin and facial pores will close. Moringa oil does not clog pores, even when used on oily skin types. Moringa oil is oil that is stable and not oxidized in a very long time, more than five years. When used as a moisturizer, Moringa oil will actually normalize and balance oil production, so that the skin is free of blemishes and healthy.

Moringa oil is rich in cytokinins. Cytokinins are plant hormones that promote cell growth and delay the aging process by delaying cell death and tissue damage. Most potent cytokinin is zeatin. Moringa oil containing zeatin thousands of times higher than other plants, making it an important part of any program of skin care and hair.

rejuvenate Skin

Moringa Source recommends the use of Morin
SARANAPOKER.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAga oil directly to skin 1-2 times a day to improve skin softness within one week, and improves skin elasticity within a month. To help heal and cool sunburn, apply on the affected area twice a day. Oil Moringa contains 4 times the collagen of Carrot Oil, thus helping to rebuild the skin's collagen fibers to minimize wrinkles.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Propagación por semilla generativo

Propagación por semilla generativo
Semillas de nuez moscada para ser utilizados como semillas deben cumplir con ciertas condiciones, incluyendo (1) debe provenir de se sele Agen Bola Tangkas Online Terpercaya dan Terbaik 2014ccionó la planta madre, (2) fresco germen maduro marrón de la cosecha y se cubre con una funda llena de maza rojo, (3) la semilla seca de color marrón oscuro a negro, brillante con un peso mínimo de 50 gramos / semillas, y no son atacados por plagas y enfermedades. Después de depilarse debe hacerse externamente por no más de ± 24 horas después de su almacenamiento. Para obtener semillas con semillas de alta germinación deben tomarse de la planta madre que se encuentra junto a los árboles en flor masculina.
Que se necesita en las plántulas de vivero para la nuez moscada plantación. El vivero es la primera etapa de determinar la aplicación de la negocio de las plantaciones. Semillero se puede hacer por primera usando el botón al comenzar las semillas que se han llenado de coco de cáscara de polvo o serrín. Semillas dispuestas y toque y los brotes llevarán hacia el mismo lado. Después de la edad de 4 a 8 semanas, las raíces se han salido con la liberación siguió brotes, entonces pueden ser transferidas a bolsas de plástico de tamaño 20 cm x 30 cm. Medios utiliza una mezcla de tierra y estiércol 2: 1, polybag alineado dispuesto bajo los auspicios de una anchura de 120 cm, mientras que la longitud depende de la situación local. Edad Semillas tanamnsetelah lista 1, 5-2 años.

1.2. La propagación vegetativa mediante el acoplamiento (injerto)
• Seleccione el patrón de semillas que han sido envejecidas 20-25 días después de la tanda de penaltis, 10-12 cm de altura, diámetro del tallo ≥ 3 mm y que ha tenido 2-3 hojas jóvenes
• Corte la semilla a una altura de 4-5 cm cotiledones dr, hacer una incisión vertical a lo largo de 3-4 cm se asemeja a la letra V con un cuchi
• Tome yemas de árbol progenitor femenino seleccionada con un diámetro de tronco con el mismo patrón. 7-10 días antes de los entrantes hojas pd descartados, dejando sólo la punta de la hoja 2-3 yemas recogidas con el objetivo de mantener fotosintat brotes pd
• Tomar entres en el horario de 11.00 a 12.00, porque en ese momento carbohidratos pd alta planta
• Cortar las hojas ½ entrantes. Remoje la punta del entres en soluciones acuosas
• Crear una incisión de 3-4 cm a lo largo se asemeja a la letra V
• Ponga entres en la parte inferior del tallo con precaución. Lazo con un lugar fuerte de plástico flexible desechable
• Cubra las semillas que han sido disambungan con una bolsa de plástico con el objetivo de mantener los entrantes de humedad
• Guarde las semillas en un lugar fresco, conexiones sombra
• Cierre la bolsa de plástico se abrió después de la sesión de entrantes emitido una nueva hoja (± 1 mes)
• La unión de plástico en la conexión se abre después de 3 meses
• Las semillas están listas para la siembra después de la edad de 6 a 12 meses.

2. Labranza
Antes de que las semillas se plantan, el jardín debe estar preparado. A grandes rasgos, la preparación del suelo incluye las siguientes actividades:
· Arbustos Pembabadan y la t Toko online murah terbaik di Indonesiaala de árboles (jardines de reciente apertura). Recomendamos abrir estas áreas durante la estación seca, por lo que los arbustos no son de rápido crecimiento de nuevo.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Seed stocking ready for cultivation Abalone

Seed stocking ready for cultivation AbaloneRelatively uniform seed size that is 1 cm / tail (shell length) or more.Have been able to utilize feed fresh seaweed as food, such as Gracilaria sp.Sensitive to the response from the outside, healthy abalone seed because it will quickly respond to stimulation from the outside.
Agen Judi OnlineAbalone tend strongly attached to the substrate when touched, if soaked in fresh water will shrink and harden, sea water will be returned to quickly perform the movement.If they are so chewy and dense not limp.Shells are not broken or defective and there are no wounds on the body / flesh.
G. Spreading SeedsMaintenance in Keramba cage with high stocking density due to the circulation of water at all times so that the water quality is guaranteed.integrated with tail 200-300 stocking density of grouper / waring (1x1x1m3).monocultures stocking density of 100 fish / waring (0.5x1x1m3).The selection of quality seeds.Acclimatization 15-20 minutes.Stocked.
H. Feeding
The feed is seaweed, by the way: Feed administered 4-5 days 2-3kg/unit container. If the stench, because they contain toxic substances (NH3 and H2S) then do control, newly replaced rotten feed.

Taruhan Bola OnlineI. Water Quality ManagementManagement is done with replacement container or waring once a month.Organisms engaging in waring need to be cleaned so as not to interfere with the maintenance of abalone waters.Waring waring long removed and replaced new.Control of rotten food because it contains NH3 attached.
J. HarvestingShell sizes above 8 cm with a weight of 30-40gr.Done selectively.In packing in a plastic bag filled with water and given Garcillaria sp.Density of 20-25 fish / bag volume of 25 L.Inserted in a styrofoam box (27x45x30 cm) fit 2 bags, then given an ice cube bag outside.To transport> 13 hours reduced density.

Agen Judi BolaInformation abalone aquaculture briefly this may be useful, especially in areas that have the potential for development of aquaculture abalone. Finally, if the reader / teacher / principal abalone farming has more experience, please share the experience, send it to editorial

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Part lagu weeraray caleemo, miro iyo afkoda. Astaamaha: caleemaha huruud

Part lagu weeraray caleemo, miro iyo afkoda. Astaamaha: caleemaha huruud ah, dayrta gashatid iyo caleen iyo khlorotis. In weeraro daran astaamuhu arkin ama saqaf iyo laamaha qalayl iyo dildilaac miro kaymo maqaarka. Control: Agen Judi Bola Resmi Taruhan Judi online Terpercayaa sunta cayayaanka Methidhation.
12) Beetle ee sanduuq (dentipes Maeuterpes.)

Part of weeraro waa caleemo jir on saqaf ama laamood ee ugu hooseysa. Astaamaha: caleemaha dayrta, laamihiisii ​​yaryaraa mararka qaarkood dhimasho. Control: toosiyaan fayadhowrka field, yareeyo qoyaan soo afjarno. Markaas isticmaali carbaryl ee sunta cayayaanka (Sevin 85 S) iyo Diazinon (Basudin 60 EC, 10 G).
Cudurada1) AADI

Sabab: jeermis waxay u eg Ururka Ruqseystay leafhopper D. citri. Part of weeraro: dhululubo dhexe (phloem) ulood. Astaamaha: baxo dhuuban, yar oo, pointy, miro yar yar, acid, miraha jabay iyo saldhigga miro oranji. Control: isticmaali dhirta caafimaad oo orod oo lacag la'aan ah. Intaa waxaa dheer in ay meesha meelaynta beerta ugu yaraan 5 miles of geedihii Asheeraah orange weeraray Halkaas. Isticmaalka sunta cayayaanka dulinka for iyo ogaaday fayadhowrka a beerta wanaagsan.
2) Tristeza

Sabab: virus tristeza ® All Toxoptera dulinka. Part lagu weeraray orange macaan, liin, iyo ballaaran Japanese rootstock orange citroen. Astaamaha: qalooca ee asliga ah, rinji kala caleen adag, xididdada caleenta, koritaanka faaqidaad. Control: fayadhowrka note field, wada baabbi'in doonaa doog ay saameeyeen, iyo kontoroolka leh sunta cayayaanka Supracide ama Cascade.


3) Woody siiyeen xammeeti (xididka Enation)

Sabab: Citrus xididka virus Enation dulinka leh Toxoptera citridus, gossypii Aphis. Part of weeraro: juice Orange, macaan, Siem, liin Rough iyo dhanaan Orange. Astaamaha: protrusion aan joogto ahayn ee lafta ka baxo filiqsanaa on dusha caleen. Control: isticmaalka balastar isha virus-lacag la'aan ah iyo la soco fayadhowrka ee deegaanka.
4) blendok

Sabab: The natalensis Diplodia fangaska. Part of weeraro waa asliga ah ama laan. Astaamaha: laan maqaarka hoostiisu guud lamid ah xanjo dan, sidaas grayish color oo qoryaha, maqaarka qalalan iyo dahaar. Control: laan jaritaanka u cudurku ku dhaco, cut the karbolineum ama fungicides CU siin. iyo fungicides Benomyl 2 jeer sanadkii.
5) bur loo boobi lahaa

Sabab: The Odidium tingitanium fangaska. Part lagu weeraray yihiin caleemaha iyo dhalinyarada afkoda. Astaamaha: bur cad caleemaha iyo dhalinyarada afkoda. Control: isticmaalka fungicides.

Banteng88 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET IBCBET Jelang Piala Dunia 20146) Scabies

Sabab: The Sphaceloma fawcetti fangaska. Part lagu weeraray yihiin caleemaha, jirridaha ama miro. Astaamaha: dhibco yar yar in ay noqon karto guf cad jaale ah ama liimi. Control: manjooyin joogto ah. Markaas isticmaali Dithiocarbamate fungicides / Benomyl (Benlate).

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Turtledove I've spent since 4 years ago.

Turtledove I've spent since 4 years ago. And after that, I switched cultivate particular type of humming bird Murai Pulau PramukaMedan. Besides Murai, I also developing Blacktroad birds. Both of these birds in my opinion very prospect in terms of economy. In addition the results are great, the production process is also very fast. "He added. Degrees claimed, for now in, ordering magpie chicks in farmnya so high. Not only from the region Ngawi, the buyer also comes from big cities such as Jakarta, Surabaya, Malang to Bali. Despite the high demand, the birds are ready to sell is still very limited. This is what makes the business for the cultivation of a humming bird chirping mania is very promising.
"However, if you want to be a breeder bird Murai well desp
Wisata Pulau Pariite maintaining quality. Always give quality food, containing nutrients and good nutrition. Every day, we also have to check the food, do not get food late which will lead to stress the birds. Typical bird humming bird it is like basking in the morning sun. It's good in the cage was left half open, and there are also places teduhnya. The best food is made Murai Kroto mixed with pellets. "Said the man who also sell in this market. Murai itself is actually one of the best smart Warbler (from family Turdidae) which currently has a lot of fans. Drajat said, taking care magpie is actually quite easy and fun, if you already know the character. As for the types, there are several kinds of famous Murai, including Murai Batu Aceh, Lampung Murai Batu, Murai Batu Lahat, Murai Batu Jambi, and Murai Kalimantan (Borneo).
magpie cultivation field "Birds Murai, birds chirping which arguably has very good power, even arguably second to none. The sound that came out was quite melodious and varied. Power is in Murai, very physical tergandung with the bird itself. As for the song, we can browse through the mastering process. "Reveal Drajat.

Obat pembesar Penis VimaxDegrees also said, to get a diverse variations chirp, Murai pemasteran ideally performed at 5 months of age upwards. "Females and males have different songs. If female, are generally very menoton songs. Whereas males have a variety of chirp Magpie diverse, and long ngeroll power. Usually males are also often used as bird race, because it generally has a good mental fighter. "Added a man who likes the world of birds since childhood that.

Friday, June 6, 2014



Soil processing. Land, may be selected former wetland plants or on dry land / moor sufficient irrigation, how: Sports ground with a hoe, waste weeds, gemburkan, let dried between 15 to 30 days. Though again the ground while making the beds-beds of 100 cm width, height 20-30 cm (length depends on the condition of the land), trench spacing between beds 30-40 cm, for intake and drainage channels. Add manure that has been cooked (so) at a dose of 10-20 tonnes / ha, stir until well blended with soil, Clean up your incorrect beds until the seedlings are ready for planting.
Planting. Tuberose Planting can be done throughout the season, provided adequate soil water. But the right time should be adjusted, so that the time of harvest falls on big days for example. Creating the planting hole with a distance of 20 X 20 cm, Instill 1 1 bulb into the planting hole with the upright position of the bulbs set buds facing upwards direction. Provide basic form of urea fertilizer as 6 kw / ha in a way put in the hole on the left
Obat pembesar Penis Vimax and right or between rows of bolt holes made tanam.Tutup planting hole that has been filled bulbs with soil about ± 7.5 cm, in order to quickly dissolve the fertilizer groundwater. Flush with water beds to retain moisture.
Maintenance can be:

Irrigation / watering: especially in the early phase of seedling growth (1-2 times daily) or depending on the state of the ground, in the morning and evening, when the soil temperature is not too high;
Stitching: for seeds that do not grow or decay, at least 5-15 days after planting, so that the growth of seedlings can be uniform embroidered with seed that has been grown in advance;
Weeding: to get rid of weeds, 3 months after planting or grass growth depends on the circumstances; should also be done at the time of weeding scarify the soil;
Fertilization aftershocks: (6 months after planting) with a mixture of 150 kg N + 100 kg P2O5 + 100 kg K2O, to improve plant growth before the flowering tuberose. How to do a total fertilizer sJual Tuberose Flower Bulbs. Tuberose f
Jadwal Bolalowers or in Latin is called Polianthes tuberosa is a plant that has flowers are fragrant and bloom at night, tuberose flowers are thought to originate from Mexico. Tuberose flowers grow merumpun and has flat leaves are green, with white flowers that grow attached to the elongated flower stalks that sometimes there are about 5-12 flowers, tuberose flower much cultivated as a cut flower. Can also be used as a scent in perfumes.

Sunday, June 1, 2014


Maintenance of young plants that have b Judi Poker Online dan Domino Kiu Kiu Uang Asli Indonesia een in the area needs to be checked whether growing well . If there are plants that die or grow ugly , should be embroidered . Weeding should be conducted . Weeds that grow revoked or dikored . Weeding time no need to wait until the grass grows large or many . These weeds are even more dangerous when the plants are still mada due to the competitiveness of plant roots to absorb nutrients is still very low . The flowers that grow to be discarded . If not then the fresh shoots of production will decrease . Flower buds discarded once a week while doing the trimming . Arrange to be compact branching and shoot growth will not be biased , but equally in all directions. Manure fertilization dose given was 10 tons / ha . Basil needs to get additional fertilizer that contains nitrogen , urea sepeni . This element is important to stimulate perlumbuhan basil leaves continuously . Fertilization is done during the first 3 weeks old plants . Fertilization second 5 -week old plants . Whenever picking , give 3 g of nitrogen fertilizer per plant . Urea fertilizer requirements for the basil plant is 150 kg / ha .
Pests and Diseases
Pests and diseases that attack the very few basil plants . Even farmers are very rare basil insecticide spraying . This spraying is avoided for fear of residue remains on the leaves are harvested regularly . Nonetheless , if found caterpillars that attack the leaves of basil in large quantities , can be done as much control with insecticides Azodrin 20-30 cc / 1 water ; or Diazinon 60 EC at a dose of 1-2 cc / 1 water .
Harvest and Post Harvest
Since the age of 50 days after planting , can already be picked basil leaves . Perform picking on young leaves as do the pl  Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik Terpercayaucking tea shoots . The flush will stimulate the growth of new branches that allow more new shoots grow . New shoots can be harvested in the next harvest period . Harvest basil shoots can be done up to the old -old plants . If you want a long -lived plant , jangan.biarkan until flowering and fruiting . Separate plants specifically for its nut as seedlings . In this way , the plant to be taken bud produkdvitasnya undisturbed . Another alternative to leaving one or two branches that are left flowering and fruiting . Once the seed is old branches trimmed . Usually basil plucked along 15 cm . If you want to be marketed basil together in a small bond containing 5-10 rod .