Pepper seeds need sowing without first before planting .
Begin by soaking the seeds seeding peppers in lukewarm water ( 40 ˚ C ) let it cool for 24 hours
During soaking , prepare the seedling media . It could be a mixture of humus soil : rice husk fuel ( 75:25 )
NAGALAUT.COM Agen Judi Bola Online Piala Dunia 2014, SBOBET, IBCBET Terbaik dan Terpercaya di Indonesia Sprinkle the seeds that have been soaked to the media before sowing. Planting with a depth of approximately 0.5 to 1 cm .
The seed will grow within 10-21 days .
Sprinkle the paprika young plants 2 times a day to keep the medium moist . Wait until 2-3 leaves .
Then the seeds are planted in the media which is actually a big poly bag size 30 x 35 cm .
The plants will start flowering at the age of 2-4 weeks after
planting and at the age of 2.5-3 months peppers can be harvested up
Paprika production period of 8-9 months with 2.5 - 4m high .
Tips :
In its maintenance needs to be done trimming the vegetative shoots
that appear on the main trunk armpits , so that flowers produce large
bell pepper .
aims to grow plants without many branches extending upward , while the
rate cut aims to grow fruit nutrients without adequate absorption of
food competition this will large . Suppose there is one stalk about 2-3 flowers , the only one which retained sufficient .
PanenPaprika has the Latin name Capsicum annuum , is still a family vegetables with pepper plants . Formerly in Central Europe at the beginning of the 19th century , known as pepper plant that has a spicy flavor . But this time , a sense of peppers tend to have a mild spicy flavor . In some places found that pepper flavor varies in different countries . But almost all kinds of peppers are now known to have a sweet taste .
types of peppers there are many , among others wonder bell , blue star ,
takii ace , jumbo sweet , green horn , skipper , colombo , marengo ,SARANA99.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA
and others . Paprika consumption in Indonesia is still not popular in the community . Usually here paprika is used only for cooking ingredients in fancy restaurants . Though Paprika has many uses , but used as a cooking ingredient , bell
peppers also contain vitamin C and can help cure some diseases .
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