The type of soil is suitable for tea andosol, Regosol and Latosol. But tea can also be cultivated in soil Murtado (ultisols), Humic Gley, Litosol and Aluvia. Tea loves the land with a thick layer, crumb structure, argillaceous to dusty, crumbly.
The degree of soil acidity (pH) ranged from 4.5 to 6.0.
Based on height, tea plantations in Indonesia is divided into 2 daerh: (1) plain low: up to 800 m above sea level; (2) is plain: 800-1200 m above sea level; and (3) plateau: more than 1,200 meters above sea level. Height differences cause differences in growth and quality of tea. agen poker online texas poker yang terpercaya
3. Altitude Points
Tea plants in Indonesia is only grown in the highlands. Irrigated area is generally located at a height of over 400 meters above sea level. There
is a close connection between the high point (elevation) with
temperature, that is alarmingly low elevation, the higher the air
temperature. To
overcome this, the planting of tea in low areas in need of assistance
can reduce the protective tree sunlight intensity, which can slightly
lower the temperature.
Indonesia, tea planting is done at a height of 400 meters to 1200
meters above sea level (meters above sea level), so the tea planting
area can be divided into three regions based on the height at which they
Lowlands: 400 to 800 m (above sea level), with temperatures reaching 23oC-24oC.
Lying areas are: 800 to 1200 m (above sea level), with temperatures reaching 21oC-22oC.
Plateau region: above 1200 m (above sea level), with temperatures reaching 18oC-19oC.
tea plantation is located at an altitude of over 1500 meters above sea
level, often suffer damage due to the occurrence of frost (night frost)
in the driest month in the dry season. Height
difference of the discrepancies in the temperature, affect the nature
of the tea shrub growth, due to different nature of the growth, there
are differences in the quality of the tea so. Tea production plateau has a better aroma of tea production lowland (Setyamidjaja, 2000).
v Breeding
Augmented plant with seeds or leaf cuttings. In terms of production, the crop should be multiplied by leaf cuttings.
a. Terms of seed
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